Weaving In The Dark : Tending the Radical Roots of Our Belonging
an online group for women leaders
9 weekly sessions
$550 | $675*
(please choose the investment that is yours to make)
This online experiential journey is for women leaders who long for a new way of weaving our power with our fierce love for The World; utilizing our wounds and our gifts, respectfully harnessing our grief and our rage, to discover a new way of way-showing at this time. Everything we have been taught and told about what it means to lead, to hold power, to have efficacy, is no longer applicable to the times we are in (if it ever was applicable at all).
Many of us are tired and overwhelmed, feeling the sting of despair at the backside of our hearts, our intense grief often jamming our own capacity to embody the intense gnosis we feel in our cells. It is time for a new kind of mentoring that acknowledges the collapse we are in, and the tremendous responsibility we have to honor––and even midwife––what is falling apart even as we seed what is coming.
What we do right now has the power to lay the foundation of a new world order, one built on reverence, respect, humility, celebration and cooperation.
But we have not been taught how to do this. The Weaving In The Dark journey is designed to support each woman in the continued evolution of her unique and essential Leader’s voice and embodiment.
For a decade and a half, I have spent the majority of my time supporting women in the daring work of unveiling our eyesight.
As Margaret Atwood has said, “forgetting what things are called to instead, see what they are.”
Among other things, this is a necessarily heartbreaking and enraging endeavor. One that lives in many of us as a calling. An imperative. A betrothal. We often find – living within Western Industrial(ized) conformist-consumer society, attempting to navigate family, friends and community – that seeing things as they are brings severance upon severance. We might find we lose our way almost as much as we find it. We might find we become fatigued from our capacity to see and hear, resentful of this clarity and the calling it demands. And yet, as human culture crumbles around us, as we hear report after report of the further collapse of our Earth’s systems, we are being called to act. And despite the obstacles around and within us, and the frequent ways we might fall asleep to ourselves and our calling, the Leader within us refuses to stay asleep. She rises, and rises again, in answer to a call whose origin remains mysterious, to engage in the radical acts that are uniquely hers to undertake, in honor of all she holds dear and in resistance to all she simply will no longer allow. As Women Leaders, this is our promise to our people, human and other-than.
The role of the Woman Leader is the role of the Matriarch, the archetypal Mother
This is an ecologically essential role in human culture. As a result of the oldest of all organized campaigns – now spanning the globe – the historical roots of the Matriarch have been vilified and violated, erased, misattributed and co-opted. The cross-cultural role of the Matriarch has been denigrated from Midwife of Ecological Wellness, to housewife. And the function and purview of the Matriarch has been domesticated to have relevance merely within the four walls that house the nuclear family. With this devastation, the icons, sculptures, statues, shrines, and burial remains have been misrepresented, reduced to fetishes and quaint symbolism, systematically erased and replaced with a disembodied god, an unaccountable extraterrestrial overlord who comes from, belongs to – and answers to – no one. From this disembodied orthodoxy has been born generations of harm and disrespect that now threaten everything most dear to most of us.
As Women Leaders serving in this catastrophic theatre-of-the-absurd, we feel the resulting rage, heartbreak, inspiration and possibility in the marrow of our bones. We find it hard to breath at times, with the endless overt assault on the very ecologies – intimate and expansive – that have made us possible. The very ecologies that endlessly, benevolently continue to make us possible, despite how we, in our orphaning, endlessly assault them. Here, we wonder…how might I serve with even more courage, dedication, and purpose? How might I use my power in more courageous, effective and radical ways?
This mentorship immersion is designed to help us clarify and clear the way within us,
for the work that is singularly and uniquely, each, ours to do
“Creative work demands focus, concentration, and painstaking work as well as ecstasy. We may fly high, seeing visions of what may be, but we must still come back down to earth and do it: write and rewrite every sentence, dig the garden, carefully thread the loom.”
Whether we are teachers, community organizers, entrepreneurs, business leaders, mothers and grandmothers, coaches, therapists or any other role that has us guiding and supporting in service of the wellness of all, there is a lament and a longing that is common to most all of us. And this lament and its correlate fatigue is even fiercer at this time of our culture’s most obvious unraveling and its feeding frenzy on all that still stands. With the unraveling of this dying (and birthing) time, this Great Turning, many of us are now feeling an equal force of nature within us. Even as we are bedraggled and at times lost … we are also on fire.
Let us gather around each other’s fire to wail and laugh, nourish and be nourished. Let us tell each other the stories and dreams from our deepest imaginal wisdom, that have brought us to exactly here. Let us reflect each other back to ourselves so we might see ourselves with the oldest of wise eyes and the newest of hope. Let us identify the brilliant threads of our wellness and vision and let us weave all this brilliance together, so we might return to our various corners of The Web, to spin with even more determination, ferocity and love. With the signature of each other’s devotional tears still wet our cheeks.
Weaving In The Dark : Tending the Radical Roots of Our Belonging
an online group for women leaders
9 weekly sessions
$550 | $675*
(please choose the investment that is yours to make)
Weaving in The Dark Groups are embodied experiential immersions – a deep dive designed specifically for those of us who feel both the heartbreak and opportunity of this time, who feel the call to assist both the unraveling and the birthing in the most daring and courageous of ways. For those of us who long to more fully claim the reverent, power-with, inspired Leaders of ourselves. For those of us who feel bereft of a particular kind of space; one within which we can conjure much-needed nourishment and new ways of listening while also receiving wildly intelligent reflection. A space that reminds us we are not alone, but even more, that in this journey, we are accompanied by like-minded broken-hearted and joyfully stealth sisters.
In keeping with all Reweaving work, we will create the space to nourish and be nourished by each other; weaving our wisdom and magick in spontaneous, co-created ceremony, council, and embodiment, to the symphony of our wisdom tears and raucous laughter...and of course...our dreaming and journeying. We will move, listen, read aloud, be quiet, cry, sing, laugh, journal, and more that we cannot predict at this time.
In this place we acknowledge and more deeply claim our devotion and responsibility, articulating what we are devoted to, what we feel responsible for, and why. It is also the space to weave our visions with each other. Here we are emboldened, in honor of all that is ours to tend. Here we rekindle those original matrimonial vows of of our belonging and fortify ourselves for the very long journey ahead.
We will leave no corner of the web un-tended as we explore….
The Cosmic Weaver, Brigit Cameron
What does our version of Leadership look like? What does it require of us to be a Leader in such unimaginable times? As Women Leaders, where did we learn what it looks like to lead? Who helped us identify and develop the unique and essential threads within us that define our particular leadership ways? Equally critical, what are your own unique qualities, characteristics and wisdom-ways that define the Leader of You? Here we will learn from each other while soaking up the much-needed nourishment of each other’s brilliance and reflection.
What are your unique visions? What are you, specifically, seeing? What emerges for you from the depths of your dreaming? What signs and symbols have dropped themselves into your conscious awareness? This part is almost pure ceremony, and we will be doing a lot of this. Here we explore the essential terrain: What is your vision? What part of the ecology is yours, specifically, to tend to? Why is this yours to do?
In order to be effective, vibrant and generative, we must attend to our care & feeding. Where does the leader of us, who is essential to the wellness of her people, receive her own essential care and feeding? How does she go about remembering what her essential care and feeding is, let alone finding it? This part of our work together requires that we understand the structures of our wellness, including the miraculous and mysterious thing Western Medicine calls the Autonomic Nervous System, that our ancestral Grandmothers have been tending to, through dance, craft, ritual and ceremony, for millennia.
This part of our work also includes an honest exploration of the places were shadow lurks for each of us. We dwell and work within cultures that would rather we stay distracted, overwhelmed and enraged with each other, than aligned and organized in service of fundamental healing. Where do we each fall into the clutches of our culture’s deliberate and decisive implements of distraction and soul erosion? Where are we most vulnerable and how can we learn from each other how to make ourselves inhospitable to the culture’s deliberate assaults and stealth assassinations?
And so much more…we will leave room to spontaneously choose our next direction, together. We will work with and support each other to claim our unique voices in the circle, navigating and negotiating the moments that are uncomfortable. In this current climate of cancel culture and threadbare relational capacities, we will support our circle to lean in to discomfort, knowing that our strength and success as visionary leaders lies within this terrain.
A Woman Leader is Someone Who is:
“We must wrestle the definition of ‘leader’ away from the clutches of dominant culture. A true leader is any person in the honorable position of protecting what needs protecting, while dismantling what no longer serves. Someone who is not afraid of the unknown, who welcomes challenge, who sows the seeds required for the wellness of the coming generations, while assisting others to take their place in the great web of things. At this time we must acknowledge that a true leader is one who takes her place as a midwife of the collapse even while she prepares to welcome in the never-before-seen.”
Tending a family, a classroom, an emergency room, a board room, an organization, a community, clients, patients, students,…..
A mother, a teacher/professor, a guide, a mentor, a community organizer, an ecologist, a therapist, an activist, a……
Motivated by devotion (as opposed to passion, or a need to be of value – she simply is of value, because her people are in need)
An adaptive (aka scrappy, crafty) learner – this is a characteristic of many women, who must take – and use – what they get to move them closer to their goals…no matter what
Emergent; she engages erotically with the world around her, evolving in real time to learn new, ever more efficient, stealth, courageous, and effective ways of getting the job done
Aware of the other (budding and established) leaders in her midst, supporting others to grow into their own unique and necessary capacities and to take up their own right size and powerfully humbling herself in the midst of those who are further down their path than she
Not interested in ‘saving the world’; she recognizes that The World does not need saving as it is vast and mighty. What she does answer to is the call to protect what is sacred and holy and in dire need of protecting, which includes the Earth’s body and spirit, her children’s bodies and spirits, and so much more
She is not necessarily someone who has influence on social media, a large following, or is financially wealthy. These are the hollow attributes of leadership as the dominant culture defines it. The Reweaving Woman Leader understands power-with (not power-over), and as such, she has kin, allies, those she has taken the time, over time, to weave herself with.
She is humble and courageous. She is emboldened by her heartbreak and her love equally.
Weaving In The Dark : Tending the Radical Roots of Our Belonging
an online group for women leaders
9 weekly sessions
$550 | $675
(please choose the investment that is yours to make)