

Women, there is a powerful army of kindred sisters, daughters, mothers and grand mothers who have watched this moment of environmental and human crisis step closer with each generation. We have kept a tally of each forest loss, each river death, each insect extinction. We have noted with despair and rage each new insanity and violence added to the culture of our young ones whose only task is to cross increasingly meaningful, initiatory thresholds on their way to true adulthood. And we watch the genius and inspiration dim in their spirits as they inevitably realize they are surrounded by uninitiated adults who cannot guide them. We are united in the pervasiveness of our grief; most of us have been grieving all our lives, feeling the losses pouring like a torrential rain that won’t stop, while being labeled the black sheep, the identified patients, the inconvenient ones, the intimidating and scary ones. We have felt rage all our lives, witnessing a world-wide lack of acknowledgment of the sovereignty of, let alone gratitude and protection for, our benevolent Earth’s body or our female bodies. And we have been marinated in a numbing despair as we have experienced the commodification, labeling, and selling off of every last piece of land, every precious water way, every mountain top and forest stand; the labeling and selling off of things that have never been, and will never be, ours to label or sell.

Each of us holds a particular and unique story that fuels our universal grief and rage but we are aligned by our common enemy – the small but wide-spread sub-culture of humans that has put a price tag on everything, for their own (very) short-term gain. There is nothing that will be spared in the relentless feeding of this hungry ghost.

And we have watched while courageous and relentless others have spoken out against this endless assault; as they have put their bodies on the line to try to stop the inhuman machine fueled by human greed. Perhaps some of us have joined in the protests, and marches, the boycotts and civil disobedience. And somehow, none of it has worked. Somehow, things have only gotten worse. Somehow, most of us, powerful mothers, grandmothers, sisters and daughters, are still caught in the eddy of our own despair and imagined powerlessness. Something hasn’t woken us up yet. What will it take? What will it take to show us that we, WOMEN, are the missing part of this orchestra of awakening that awaits the Western world? What will it take for us to remember how and why we, WOMEN, do things; that we are no longer inspired to march and wave signs. We are no longer inspired to fight against anything. When there is so much to rage for, how can we afford to spend another moment or another dollar or risk another arrest unless we are going to find ways to take the very oxygen out of the lungs of the Hydra that is Western Industrial (transnational) greed and patriarchy? With a ROAR that is fueled by our love and our rage, that weaves the wisdom wellness of the Ancestors with the wild wellness of the animate Earth, we will reweave the Web of Life, investing in the solutions that have been available for decades (and systematically defunded).

Together, WOMEN, we have the power to IMAGINE, CONSPIRE, CONCEIVE and EXECUTE the UNIMAGINABLE. Reweaving The Web of Life so that all Earth’s beings are vibrant and free.

And women, whether we are successful or not, we have nothing of value to lose. Be certain, all we hold most dear will be lost if we do not act. Much might be lost even if we do act. But not acting is a thing we dare not do. The disgrace of staying silent, staying afraid, and staying small is a thing our soul’s cannot afford at this time.

Join us. Even if you do not know what you think or how you feel. Join us and listen. Just join us.

If you have not already, please join this Movement. Our numbers matter. YOU matter.

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